In Second Trimester

    What will your body with be dealing with during the second trimester?

    You start feeling a stretch around your pelvis and tummy because now the ligaments (bands of muscle) holding the uterus together have started to stretch. Also, you will start noticing that the veins along your breasts have started to become more visible

    Changes you may imagine are happening to your baby in the second trimester...

    During the second trimester the baby grows from 7.5 cm to 24 cm long and gains about 890 gm during these 3 months. During this trimester it is recommended that you increase your daily caloric intake by 300-500 calories per week and gain 0.5-1 pound each week. While the bump you are seeing is impossible to deny, your breasts have also started to make colostrum by now and at 14 weeks if you touched your baby’s hands or feet, they would really curl!

    At 15 weeks, you will start noticing a glow in your skin and feel radiant with thicker hair and faster growing nails. This is sometimes accompanied with changes in blood pressure, nose and gum bleeds or worsening headaches. Just so you know this is nothing out of the ordinary and your condition will settle down in a few weeks. 

    At 16 weeks the baby might start to suck their thumb and by the end of next week, the baby is able to screw up their face and make facial expressions. 

    At 17 weeks, vaginal discharge increases and a quick tip would be to use panty liners or sanitary pads. At this stage, the baby passes urine at a gap of every 50 minutes. Also, this is when loud noises start to make the baby spooked, it can hear them! 

    At 18 weeks the butterflies in your tummies are your baby’s movements. An USG scan at 18-20 weeks conveys important information such as the position of the placenta, any obvious abnormalities or whether the baby is a boy or a girl. The baby starts to rest when you’re awake at day time and plays when you are asleep during night time. Start investing in soft and a little larger sized shoes at this point because your feet have started to weigh heavier and due to the lose ligaments of your feet they need more protection. 

    At 19 weeks baby is 15 cm tall and weighs about 260 gm sleeping for 18 hours and being awake for just 6 ! 

    At 20 weeks the uterus starts to take a lot of space in your body and pushes the other organs. Due to this; you might feel out of breath especially when you’re lying down on your back. Try to use the cushion-tilt method to make you feel more at ease. At this glorious stage, when you’ve come halfway through, your baby is now super active and busier than you, with a heart beating at about 150 beats/min and measuring about 16 cm, weighing 320 gm; the baby can hear your voice or even the blood gushing through your vessels. 

    At 21 weeks, the uterus is pushed upto the belly button and you might start to feel some indigestion

    At 22 weeks the baby is 19 cm tall and 460 gm heavy. At this point women start experiencing weight bearing issues like lower backache, hip pain, leg and foot cramps, swollen ankles at night and some might even experience varicose veins and hemorrhoids due to constipation. All these problems can be managed at home and shouldn’t be a cause of stress for you unless home remedies and over the counter help is no longer fitting to your problem. 

    At 23 weeks most women start feeling movements because the baby moves around a lot – these are called Braxton Hicks contractions and its completely fine if you haven’t experienced this yet, there is plenty of time, still. The uterus is pushing down on the bladder- making you pee more often and the cervix is sealed with a mucous plug called a show. At 23 weeks your baby is 20 cm tall and weighs 540 gm and can recognize light, sound and pain. In addition, the lung surfactant has started to be produced which is the most important step of developing the lungs so the baby can breathe on its own when its born. 

    At 24 weeks you can start feeling baby’s movements by keeping a hand on your belly even from the outside! It is 21 cm tall and weighs 620 gm. The baby tries to move when you’re trying to sleep, this is why you feel your baby’s movements at night more than at day. 

    At 25 weeks, women start feeling changes in their rib area as the uterus has started to expand upwards. It is a good idea to start thinking about parenting related concerns at this point and to start preparing for childbirth and labour.

     At 26 weeks of pregnancy, you will feel you have started to have funny dreams, worsening backache, Braxton hicks movements and the way you walk or lift weights will change because the weight deposition pattern has now begun to be more centrally oriented. At this point it is a good idea to get an RH type blood test. At 26 weeks pregnancy, your baby is 23 cm tall and 820 gm heavy. Your baby can properly hear, see and taste (sweet and bitter). It can also move in effect of the mother moving hand over tummy. It is also depositing quite a bit of fat and muscle content at this point. 

    At 27 weeks in the end of the second semester, the baby is 27 cm tall and weighs about 920 gm heavy and can open its eyes!