How to get ready for menopause?

Lose weight before menopause- during menopause, the decreased hormones slow your metabolism down and it becomes increasingly difficult to lose weight. Therefore, it is very important to maintain healthy weight.

  • Quit smoking, the earlier the better, smoking damages your bones, causes heart disease, and causes about 12 types of cancer in women, avoid second hand smoke too. This can also be a great causative factor when it comes to developing different diseases associated with menopause, aging and smoking.
  • Be active: getting at least 30 minutes of physical activity at least on most days of the week is an excellent way to be healthy in old age. Do exercises that include jogging, running, walking 30 minutes daily and include string training twice per week, exercising more can be the best thing u can do at this time.
  • Eat better: getting vitamins, minerals, fiber, essential nutrients, is as important now if not more than if you were younger, also remember that older women need less calories for energy. So eat healthier, not more.
  • Dietary supplements can be healthy for you- switch to a healthy diet. Include Ispaghol, yogurt, probiotics and other supplements you deem necessary for a better diet.
  • Develop a good sleep routine and take care of your mental health pretty soon you’ll be facing restless nights because of menopause.

Few important supplements and how much you need them…

  • Women more than age 50 require 2.4mcg of B12 and 1.5 mg of vitB6 daily
  • After menopause, calcium needs go up to maintain bone health: women >51 years of age require 1200 mg of calcium daily
  • Women at the age of 51 to 70 need 600IU of Vit D daily and women >71 get 800 IU of Vit D each day

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