"When it comes to bottle feeding, it's all about finding the right flow for your baby - and being patient until you do."

    5 simple points to remember every time you bottle-feed your baby

    • Never leave your baby unattended with a propped up milk- bottle as they may choke on the milk.
    • Keep the bottle in a horizontal position with a slight “tip” toward the mouth. This allows milk to flow steadily and helps prevent your baby from ingesting any air.
    • Be guided by your baby’s cues; your baby will show you how much milk they need and will exhibit it with cues that you will get accustomed with in good time. It is not necessary for the baby to finish the bottle each time, just follow your baby’s need.
    • Let the baby take short breaks during feeding if he or she signals to do so, it helps the baby
    • burp. When the baby has fed enough, hold them up straight and gently rub their back to bring up any wind.
    • Discard any unused milk after feeding your baby, make the feed as needed- one at a time.