All about Supplements, Vitamins and Deficiencies during Pregnancy
Nutrient Values in Food Groups (Vitamin A)
Nutrient Values (demand and sources) in Food Groups
Nutrient Values in Food Groups (Folate)
Nutrient Values in Food Groups (Niacin Demand during pregnancy increases 25%)
Nutrient Values in Food Groups (Pantothenic acid)
Exercise during pregnancy offers a wide array of benefits to the developing mother and baby, some general ones include; overall health boost, weight gain management, improved mood and reduced discomfort, more enhanced energy levels, healthier fetal development, preparation for childbirth and manage pregnancy discomforts.
It is very important for you to feel energized throughout your pregnancy and keep working out. An active “you” means an “active baby.” Working out keeps your muscles healthy and prepares you for good labor and birth. Low-impact activities like walking, running, swimming and play-time with children is a very good idea throughout the pregnancy journey. Make sure that you do not engage in any activity that poses a safety risk or a risk of trauma to your abdomen or lower back.
Click here to read how to perform these exercises in the first trimester
Click here to read how to perform these exercises in the second trimester
Click here to read how to perform these exercises in the third trimester