Nutrients, how much more and why do you need and where to get them?

    Niacin- The demand for Niacin during pregnancy increases by 25% compared to a non-pregnant woman. 

    Why does a pregnant lady need Niacin? 

    Niacin is crucial to the pregnant woman for:

    • proper functioning of skin, a severe deficiency may lead to a condition called "Pellagra." This is characterized by 4 Ds (dermatitis (inflammation of skin), diarrhea, dementia (mental confusion), and death (if left untreated) 
    • healthy regulation of sugar levels in body, a deficiency of Niacin has been linked to the development of Gestational Diabetes (a condition characterized by high blood sugar levels that can have adverse affects on both the mother and the baby) 
    • proper functioning of immune system, a deficiency leaves the pregnant woman more susceptible to infections
    • proper functioning of digestive system or the gastrointestinal tract, a deficiency can lead to symptoms such as nausea, vomiting, and abdominal discomfort
    • proper appetite and weight loss, a deficiency may lead to a loss of appetite and subsequent weight loss which can prove to be detrimental in pregnancy due to the essential need of proper nutrients during this time

    So, in what foods is Niacin found?

    • Red meat 
    • Poultry
    • Fish                                                 
    • Brown rice 
    • Fortified cereals and breads
    • Nuts 
    • Seeds 
    • Legumes
    • Bananas