‘’Babies cry so much, I’m starting to think they’re just practicing for their teenage years.’’

Purple Crying

Marilyn Barr, founder/former executive director, NCSBS, describes purple crying as a period of crying that begins in infant at 2 weeks of age and continues upto 3-4 months of age. The term Purple has been coined because each letter describes a specific feature of a baby’s cry

P: Peak of crying; baby may cry more each week, the most in second months and then less in the third to fifth month

U: Unexpected; crying can come and go and sometimes it will just be without cause

R: Resists soothing; your baby may not stop crying no matter what you dry, inconsolable crying

P: Pain-like face; a crying baby may look like they are in pain,even when they are not

L: Long-lasting; crying may last as long as 5 hours a day, or more

E: Evening; baby may cry more in the late afternoon and evening.

When these babies go through this time, there seems to be nothing that really fits their puzzle as they continue crying. The same babies may giggle and play during the day and out of nowhere would start crying and become inconsolable.

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