"A baby nursing at a mother's breast is an undeniable affirmation of our rootedness in nature."

    There are several signs that a mother can look for to determine if her baby is getting enough milk:

    • Wet diapers: A baby should have at least 6-8 wet diapers per day, which is a sign that they are getting enough milk. It is important to remember that a baby who is breastfeeding passes several stools per day. Newborns usually have yellow or tan stools as they start consuming solids, their stool colour becomes browner. 
    • Stools: A baby who is breastfeeding well should have several yellow, seedy stools each day, this will differ for a baby who is on formula milk. 
    • Weight gain: A baby should gain weight consistently over the first few months of life, which is a sign that they are getting enough milk. Rate of weight gain provides the most objective indicator of adequacy of milk intake. Total weight loss should not be more than 7% and birth weight should be regained by 10 days. 
    • Contentment after feeding: A baby who is getting enough milk should appear relaxed and satisfied after feeding, and may fall asleep soon after.
    • Sucking sounds: A baby who is breastfeeding effectively should make audible swallowing and suckling sounds during feedings.