Welcome to the most important journey of your lifetime; the welcoming of your newborn. During this journey you will feel like you’re about to blow up sometimes or want to curl up in a corner and cry; no worries Pregli is going to give you all the space that would allow your balloon to fill or become your safety blanket when you want to curl up in a corner and sob!

    Story of the First Trimester...

    What happens inside your womb during the first trimester?

    • Amniotic sac ("bag of waters" pale yellow fluid surrounding and protecting the fetus or baby) and placenta form ( "cake-like" organ connecting mother's blood vessels to baby's circulation and providing vital nutrients to baby)
    • Heart begins to beat at 4th week- can be detected by 6th week
    • Circulatory, urinary and digestive systems develop
    • Face, eyes, ears, heart, brain, spinal cord, hands, fingers, feet, toes take form

    • Nausea breast tenderness
    • Lethargy/weakness
    • Increased urination
    • Pimples/acne
    • Constipation
    • Headaches

    • Healthy moms have healthy babies
    • Perform a 20 minute walk daily 
    • Practice Kegel exercises(special pelvic floor exercises designed to strengthen the pelvic muscles) and start preparing your muscles for a healthy pregnancy and childbirth

    • Eat 5 small meals instead of 3 large meals
    • Incorporate more fruits and vegetables in your diet

    Click here to read more about the first trimester.

    Story of the Second Trimester...

    By the end of this trimester, the baby’s heart is beating 150 beats per minute

    What happens inside your womb during the second trimester? 

    Around 20 weeks you can do an anatomy scan? And confirm baby’s gender.

    • Fingers and toes are now well defined
    • Eyebrows, eyelashes, nails and hair have formed
    • Teeth and bones have become dense
    • Fetus can yawn, suck thumb, stretch and make faces
    • Reproductive system has almost developed
    • Hair grows on head
    • Baby develops lanugo
    • Skin covered with vernix caseosa
    • Eyelids part
    • Eyes open
    • Fingerprints develop

    • Round ligament pain
    • Breast veins now visible
    • Vaginal discharge increases
    • Shortness of breath
    • Lower backache
    • Hip pain
    • Leg cramps
    • Swollen Ankles
    • Varicose Veins
    • Constipation
    • Hemorrhoids
    • Braxton Hicks contractions

    An increase in caloric intake by 300-500 is considered normal, gain of 0.5-1 pound/week.

    Better shoes, better bra, lumbar cushion

    Click here to read more about the second trimester.

    Story of the Third Trimester...

    What happens inside your womb during the third trimester?

    • Adds body fat
    • Kicks much more often
    • Fetus can see and hear
    • Lungs may still be immature
    • Most internal organs and systems are complete but the lungs will keep developing till birth

    • Swelling in hands and feet
    • Shortness of breath
    • Indigestion
    • Heartburn/reflux
    • Lower backache
    • Disturbed sleep schedule
    • Leg cramps
    • Leaking breasts
    • High blood pressure
    • Stretch marks
    • Increased urination

    A sleeping pillow, a lumbar cushion, comfortable shoes, comfortable bra, lose-fitted clothes.

    Tip for Nutrition during the second trimester!

    Eat more fruits and vegetables, low fat forms of protein, fiber, drink lots of water.

    Click here to read more about the third trimester.