What will you feel during the 3rd trimester?

During the third trimester, most women face a lot of common health problems such as swelling in hands or feet, increased feeling of out of breath, indigestion, heartburn or reflux, lower backache and leg cramps, and leaking breasts as they have started producing colostrum.

At 26 weeks your baby is 25 cm tall and weighs about 1 kg. Baby’s born at this stage are termed as being premature but there is a very good chance that they will survive if they get proper care. Most women feel uncomfortable lying down and prefer to sit upright or chose a lying on the side position. It will be helpful to sleep on the side, as this will reduce the chances of stillbirth from happening.

At 29 weeks baby is 26 cm tall and 1.15 kg heavy and this will keep getting heavier till 38 weeks. 

At 30 weeks, keeping a check on your blood pressure is important and even though your sleep patterns may be disrupted and heartburn and reflux may be getting more concerning, it helps to know that you’re almost at the end of this journey.

 At 31 weeks your baby is 27.5 cm tall and 1.5 kg heavy. Stretch marks are very common and even though they’ll fade out with time, they’ll never completely disappear. Your baby can open its eyes and can respond to light stimulus. Loud noises now startle the baby. 

At 32 weeks, breathlessness increases because the growing uterus adds pressure onto the lungs. Your baby is 28 cm tall and weighs about 1.7 kg, and you may experience swelling, backache, increased urination, indigestion, heartburn and reflux. 

At 33 weeks, baby is 29 cm tall and weighs about 1.9 kg, during this time your baby’s lungs are maturing and this is a very critical time for the baby. Babies born now have a very good rate of survival if they are given good intensive care. 

At 34 weeks baby is 30 cm tall and 2.1 kg heavy and by this time the increasing weight of the baby makes it difficult for the mother to carry a normal life but pelvic exercises and some light walk could make this less worrying. At this stage babies start to roll over and do a lot of kicks that might become uncomfortable for the mother. 

At 36 weeks, the baby is 34 cm tall and 2.5 kg in weight. At this point babies have a head larger than their body size and this is a normal feat. Some baby’s head engages at this point but it is not necessary. 

At 37 weeks your baby is 35 cm tall and 3 kg heavy. Its common to have trouble sleeping in 37 weeks, you might experience that you are waking up multiple times during the night and that the movement of the baby has increased; try sleeping during the day when the movements are minimal and you are more at rest. 

At 38 weeks, babies born are termed “at term” birth, and is fully ready to be received. It is time to prepare you for labor and delivery.