"Pumping may not be easy, but it's worth it for the health and well-being of your baby."

    What are the benefits of pump suction for the mother:

    • Increases milk production- frequently using pump suction can help create a good demand supply system for the mother’s breast and help maintain a consistent milk supply. It basically promotes lactation and help maintain a good milk flow due to the act of suction, overall maximizing milk yield. 
    • Eases engorgement- swollen, hard and painful breasts can be a discomfort to the mother and pumping out this excessive milk might just be the solution a mother is looking for. 
    • Increased comfort for the mother, it is easy, safe, clean and works wonders for a mom who is physically at a distance from her baby. It also reduces nipple soreness and injury though a mom wouldn’t care too much about this when it comes to the expense of her baby’s nutrition. 

    Benefits of pump section for the baby:

    • Excellent nutrition for the baby, it provides all the essential nutrients, vitamins and minerals that are essential for the optimum growth of a baby 
    • Immune protection- if you have been following our content you must know by now that breastmilk has specific antibodies that support a baby’s immune system and prevent infections and illnesses till the baby starts to build his/her own immunity. 
    • Bonding- even if the baby is not physically close to the mother, breastpumped milk can build a bond between the mother and the baby
    • Convenience- pumping breast milk allows the mother to store milk and have it available for the baby whenever needed, this eases the guilt trap of working mothers of being “unavailable for the baby.” It allows a woman to work, and provide a better lifestyle for her baby from a financial aspect.
    • Increased milk supply- the increased milk supply ensures that there is enough milk to meet the baby’s needs. This helps more milk to come in to the mother’s breast through a constant demand-supply system and helps the baby also feed more often.

    What breast pump to buy?

    There are tonnes of different kinds of breast pumps out there ranging from 1k to 60k. Don’t fret and find one that meets your budget and needs. Maybe you don’t need an electric- out of the world designed breast pump and can do with a manual pumping pump that meets your pocket. Don’t go overboard and do a little survey before you buy one. Websites in Pakistan that offer such products include Daraz, Zubaidas, Spectra, Naheed and some others.