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Pregnancy Discomforts:

During pregnancy your body goes through a variety of bodily changes that you must accept and work with. Your body should be treated with love and acceptance and not with hate. Some of these changes may harbor your previously desired daily activities while some may wish you had had never gotten pregnant in the first place; its okay! feeling irritated and held up is very common during this phase.

We have included a lot of solutions to the most common problems that you might encounter and still if you believe that the content is undermining the extent to which you feel the problem is creating an issue please go ahead and contact your midwife or doctor

Some of the most common discomforts and ways to relieve them are described here.

What is Abdominal Pain or Discomfort?

It is very common to experience sharp pain in back and stomach during pregnancy but these extend for short duration of time and go away rather quickly. Abdominal pain may manifest as:

  • Round Ligament pain- this is most common during second trimester and this is close to abdomen and hip area. It can be on either side and can extend to groin area, this is a normal part of your journey.
  • (Change your position or activity until you’re comfortable. Avoid sharp turns or movements. If you have a sudden pain in your abdomen, bend forward to the point of pain to relieve tension and relax the tissue. Apply a hot water bottle or heating pad, or take a warm bath or shower. Rest.)
  • Muscle Tightening (the muscles in your uterus contract on and off in a rhythmical pattern and these tighten more towards the 4th month of pregnancy as irregular and infrequent ones called Braxton Hicks contractions). If you experience these pains before 36 weeks then contact your doctor or midwife.
  • Constipation and gas: these are most common during the first trimester but can extend upto the entire pregnancy. Lower back pain can indicate long standing constipation too, along with infrequent bowel movements, another sign is dry-hard-to-pass stools. 
  • (Calcium antacids, massaging, staying hydrated, stool softners, fruit juice- especially apple juice Add more fiber (such as whole grain foods, fresh fruits and vegetables) to your diet.
  • Drink plenty of fluids daily (at least 10 to 12 glasses of water and one to two glasses of fruit or prune juice).
  • Drink warm liquids, especially in the morning.
  • Exercise daily.
  • Set a regular time for bowel movements.
  • Avoid straining when having a bowel movement.

What is Backaches?

Backaches are the most common symptom during pregnancy and it is the added weight of the growing baby being put onto the lower back and lower vertebrae, varying hormone levels and posture changes.

  • Avoid heels, and switch to flats
  • Do not perform any weight lifting.
  • Do not bend your back and try to maintain a squatting position while picking up things from a lower level.
  • Shift to ergonomic chairs that provide good back support and place a roll pillow under the lower back, elevate your feet on a footrest or place a stool. 
  • Sleep on your left side, add a pillow between your legs to support the arch of your back.
  • Apply a hot water bottle or heating pad, take a warm bath or shower, or try massaging your back.
  • Performing exercises or yoga to strengthen back muscles is a really good idea and should not be brushed away. This can help provide quick relief and decrease soreness.
  • Maintain a good posture for your back. Standing up straight will ease the strain on your back, but do so with good shoe support. 
  • Try a maternity support belt, 
  • If your symptoms last more than 2 weeks, and if the pain does not go away then see a specialist or midwife right away.

What are Breast Changes?

Your breasts increase in size as the milk glands enlarge and the fatty tissue increases in volume and number. The breasts are preparing to produce milk for the baby. Bluish veins might also appear as your blood supply increases. Your nipples will also darken and a thick fluid called colostrum might leak from your breasts. All of these breast changes are part of your body receiving the baby.

  • Try using a supportive/athletic bra.
  • Choose cotton bras or those made from other natural fibers.
  • Increase your bra size as your breasts become larger, atleast get one that’s one size larger. Your bra should fit well without irritating your nipples. Try maternity or nursing bras, which provide more support and can be used after pregnancy, too.
  • Wrap a cotton handkerchief or gauze pad into each bra cup to absorb leaking fluid. 
  • Clean your breasts with warm water only. Do not use soap or other products, these can be irritable to the skin.

What is Difficulty Sleeping?

Pregnancy often affects the sleep schedules of a lot of women and finding a comfortable position can become even more difficult later in pregnancy. Early pregnancy doesn’t really require much change in sleeping positions but as the belly grows, adjustments become necessary. 

  • Avoid sleep medications.
  • Try drinking warm milk before you go to sleep.
  • A warm shower before you go to bed might also be a good idea.
  • There are a lot of pillows that aid in sleeping for pregnant women, and you might want to try those. Lying on your side, place a pillow under your head, abdomen, behind your back, and between your knees to prevent muscle strain, this position is very helpful for a lot of women. This improves circulation of blood throughout your body. 
  • Pillows available on the market include the QueenRose pillow, the CeeCee pillow, the BobbySide pillow and many more.

What is Dizziness?

It is very common to experience lightheadedness and dizziness during pregnancy, overall your blood pressure is lower and as the uterus continues to expand, it puts pressure of the vein carrying blood back to your heart. This can reduce blood supply to the head and may cause a feeling of unsteadiness, lightheadedness and vertigo during pregnancy. This can happen when you are standing or lying down. 

  • Try to move more often and avoid standing for long periods of time.
  • Move to your side before you get up from lying down.
  • Try to move slowly when standing from a sitting position. Avoid sudden movements.

What is Fatigue?

Fatigue is most common in the first 12 weeks of pregnancy. Sometimes, feeling tired may be a sign of anemia (low iron in the blood), which is common during pregnancy.

  • Rest is the best and most common solution to this fatigue that you might be feeling at the moment. Go to bed early at night and try taking naps during the day, basically rest up as much as you can. 
  • Maintain a regular schedule, when possible, but pace your activities. Balance activity with rest when needed.
  • Exercise daily to increase your energy level, this will keep your muscles active and healthy.
  • If you think anemia might be a concern, see your doctor to get some testing done.

What is Frequent Urination?

During the first trimester, your growing uterus and growing baby press against your bladder, causing a frequent need to urinate. In addition, extra blood in your body needs to be processed by your kidney and makes you pee more often. This will more often when the baby’s head drops into the pelvis before birth.

  • Avoid tight-fitting undergarments such as underwear and shorts.
  • If your urine burns or stings, contact your health provider right away as this might be an impending urinary infection. Meanwhile try to get your hands on a Cranmax sachet and drink it up.

What are Headaches?

Headaches are very common during early pregnancy. 

  • Paracetamol is the most common pain-killer for headache during pregnancy. However, for your own safety, try to take this for as short of a time period as possible. 
  • Try applying an ice pack to your forehead or on the back of your neck.
  • Rest, sit or lie quietly in a low-lit room. Close your eyes and try to release the tension in your back, neck and shoulders. 
  • Try using a fascial gun- keep its setting on a minimum and try massaging your back and neck muscles with it. 
  • Contact your doctor if you have nausea with your headaches; if your headache is severe and does not go away; or if you have blurry vision, double vision or blind spots. This may be a sign of an impending hypertensive crisis.

What is Heartburn or Indigestion?

Your growing baby is presses against your abdomen and chest causing heartburn or indigestion. This is a burning feeling that starts in the stomach and seems to rise to the throat. It occurs during pregnancy because your digestive system slows down due to changing hormone levels. 

  • Try to include small meals in your diet instead of large meals, chew for a longer time and eat slowly.
  • Herbal teas are a common relief during this time.
  • Avoid fried, spicy or rich foods, or any foods that seem to give you indigestion.
  • Don’t lie down directly after eating, wait at least 20 minutes before you do. 
  • Keep the head of your bed higher than the foot of your bed. Or, place pillows under your shoulders to prevent stomach acids from rising into your chest.

What are Hemorrhoids?

Hemorrhoids are swollen veins that appear as painful lumps on the anus. These are often called piles and they occur because hormones make your veins relax so it is easier for them to succumb to the increased circulation and pressure on the rectum and vagina from your growing baby so they swell up and become painful.

  • Avoiding constipation which can cause hemorrhoids and will make them more painful. (add stool softeners to diet, add fibre and green vegetables to diet)
  • Try to avoid sitting or standing for long periods of time. Change your position frequently.
  • Avoid straining during a bowel movement.
  • Apply ice packs or cold compresses to the area, or take a warm tub bath a few times a day to provide relief. This is called a sitz bath and try searching of ways to make this easier for yourself. 
  • Avoid tight-fitting underwear, pants or pantyhose.
  • Discuss the use of a hemorrhoid treatment with your doctor for further treatment.

What are Leg Cramps?

Leg cramps most often occur at night and can make falling asleep difficult for a lot of women in the second and third trimester.

  • Try walking around for a while, or exercise with your calves stretched and toes pointing inwards. 
  • Drinking up fluids such as oral rehydration solution 1 sachet in 1liter water or Gatorade can be helpful for some women. However, these are high in sugar content and should not become common practice.
  • Wear comfortable shoe support like silicon heel pads, comfortable arched shoes, that support the foot from front to back. 
  • Try wearing support hose, but avoid any legwear that is too tight as this will impede circulation.
  • Elevate your legs when possible on a foot rest and stool and avoid crossing your legs.
  • Stretch your legs before going to bed
  • Avoid lying on your back and practice the side pose. 
  • Gently stretch any muscle that becomes cramped by straightening your legs, flexing your foot and pulling your toes toward you.
  • Try massaging the cramp, or applying heat through a hot water bottle or a heating pad to the sore area or using a fascial gun to massage that area.

What is Nasal Congestion?

Pregnancy causes inflammation in the veins lining your nose and this might produce the feeling of a “stuffy nose” or a cold. Pregnancy hormones may dry out the lining in your nose, making it inflamed and swollen.

  • Wrap a hot water bottle only half filled in a blanket material and press it gently over forehead, nose and cheeks to reduce strain over these areas.
  • Avoid nasal sprays as these might make your symptoms worse.
  • Increase your fluid intake (at least 10 to 12 glasses of fluids a day) to thin mucus that is blocked.
  • Elevate your head with an extra pillow while sleeping to prevent mucus from blocking your throat.
  • Use a humidifier or vaporizer to add moisture to the air this will also help with the nasal congestion.

What is Nausea or vomiting? 

Nausea is very common earlier in pregnancy and reduces after 16-20 weeks and can occur at any time of the day but might be worse in the morning when your stomach is empty (this is often called “morning sickness”) or if you’re not eating enough. Sometimes this can become severe with the pregnant woman vomiting several times a day resulting in weight loss and dehydration, please show a doctor if anything of this magnitude happens to you. 

  • Eat dry foods such as cereal, toast, biscuits, before getting out of bed. Since protein takes longer to digest, try eating a protein rich dinner. 
  • Eat small meals and avoid larger meals and keep a gap of 2-3 hours between meals. Eat slowly and chew well. 
  • Keep sipping fluids throughout your day, avoid large amounts in one go. Fresh fruit juices especially apple and grape is highly encouraged. 
  • Spicy, fried, greasy or oily foods increase morning sickness. 
  • If you feel like a certain smell is bothering you, eat foods cold or at room temperature and avoid smells that trigger your sickness.
  • To prevent nausea, take vitamin B6 10-25mg three times per day and doxylamine 12.5mg at bedtime. You can also try ginger extract 125 to 250mg every six hours to treat nausea.

What is Shortness of Breath?

Many women find themselves short of breath many times during pregnancy. This is because the growing uterus pushes the abdomen up and the lungs have less space to breathe. It is very common to feel out of breath when walking briskly or upstream. If you feel any palpitations, bluish areas over skin, sharp pain associated with shortness of breath contact your doctor.

  • Practicing good posture can help diaphragm move further away and a pregnancy belt is also helpful for a lot of pregnant women. 
  • Slow down and rest a few moments, practice deep breathing exercises.
  • Raise your arms over your head. This lifts your rib cage and allows you to breathe in more air.
  • Use a pregnancy pillow and practice the side lying pose, this allows more space for the uterus to rest on and decreases pressure on the abdomen.

What are Stretch Marks?

As the breasts, abdomen and thighs grow in size they gain stretch marks and at first, these may be itchy, they are painless and not medically significant. They usually appear on the abdomen, breasts, buttocks or thighs. While they won’t disappear completely, stretch marks will fade after childbirth. 

  • A healthy diet fulfilling criteria of vitamin C and E is recommended for good skin during this time. 
  • Bio-oils and lotions are available to help keep skin supply and avoid dryness. 
  • Exercise and yoga daily helps in blood circulation and skin glow.

What is Swelling in the Feet and Legs?

Swelling occurs due to the excess amount of water being held by the body during pregnancy and during the day this water tends to accumulate in the lower parts of the body, this is specifically true when the weather is hot or you have been experiencing long hours of standing. The growing uterus adds and added pressure of the growing womb which affects the blood circulation in legs and causes fluid retention (swelling/edema) in legs and feet.

  • Increase fluid uptake to 1.5 liters a day.
  • Decrease salt content in food and increase protein intake. 
  • Elevate legs at least 20 minutes a day using footrest or a stool and avoid crossing your legs.
  • Lose comfortable clothing is a must, so that nothing is slowing the circulation down even further.
  • Wear comfortable shoes that aren’t tight at all, use protective heel pads and low-wide heeled arch. 
  • If you notice your face and hands swelling up along with other symptoms, don’t ignore it as this may warrant a doctor’s check – it may be an impending sign of pre-eclampsia, toxemia or a hypertensive crisis. 
  • Keep the habit of lying on your side as this will increase blood flow to your kidneys.

What is Vaginal Discharge?

Vaginal discharge is very common during pregnancy. It helps prevent any infections travelling up the vagina. Normal vaginal discharge is white or clear, non-irritating and, odorless, and might look yellow or pink jelly-like mucous towards the end of the pregnancy on your underwear or panty liners.

  • Chose pure cotton underwear or natural fiber made ones.
  • Avoid tight-fitting clothes such as jeans or pants.
  • Clean the vaginal area often with soap and water regularly, this helps maintain pelvic hygiene.
  • Wipe yourself from front to back.
  • If you suffer any irritation, burning, bloody, greenish discharge that is not self resolving, show this to a doctor for professional advice.

What are Varicose Veins?

These appear as pale blue streaks or a bulge beneath your skin typically on the legs and occur in roughly 50% of pregnant women. It is due to pooling of blood in the veins as a result of pressure from the growing uterus above. It is a harmless condition and usually resolves after delivery. It may cause some discomfort/itching but that can be managed conservatively.

  • Avoid standing or sitting in one place for a long period of time to help keep blood moving.
  • During resting periods, try to keep your legs elevated.
  • Avoid added salt/sodium in your diet
  • Don’t cross your legs while sitting, this prevents further reduction in blood flow
  • Try to sleep on your left side, to relieve pressure from the inferior vena cava (which is on the right side), allowing for better circulation.
  • Wear compression stockings at night. Not too tight, not too loose. Generally, stockings that provide a pressure of 20-30 mmHg are preferred.

What are Bleeding and Swollen Gums?

Also known as pregnancy gingivitis, is common during pregnancy and experienced by 60% -70% women. It occurs due to increased susceptibility to plaque buildup on the teeth as a result of hormonal and blood flow changes.

  • Brush twice a day with a fluoride toothpaste
  • Use a dental floss to clean between your teeth at night
  • Use a tooth brush with soft bristles  
  • Salt water gargles and mouth rinses help to reduce inflammation
  • Avoid alcohol based mouthwash
  • Get a dental checkup or consult with your Ob/Gyn if you feel general measures are ineffective or if symptoms are worsening.