Introduction to Infertility

    Here’s a primer on how to conceive, whatever your sexual orientation, gender identity or relationship status.

    What is infertility?

    Trying to conceive can be an exciting journey, but it's important to remember that it may take some time and patience. Infertility is defined as not being able to get pregnant after a year of unprotected fun under the sheets. However, if you're a woman of 35 years or older, some providers may start evaluating and treating your baby-making abilities after just six months.

    When to seek a fertility specialist?

    Now, here's the scoop! If you find yourself in the realm of infertility, don't worry, there are options for everyone. Whether you're single, in a same-sex relationship, or even transgender, fertility specialists can lend a helping hand. And if you have any existing illnesses, conditions, or medical treatments that might affect your fertility, it's definitely worth chatting with your doctor about it.

    There's no magic pill, but there are some nifty guidelines recommended by those wise doctors:

    • Snooze and cruise: Get enough beauty sleep, my friend! A good night's rest can do wonders for your body and mind, and it might just give your baby-making powers an extra boost.
    • Bye-bye smoke, hello fertility: Smoking is a big no-no when it comes to fertility. Kick that bad habit to the curb and let your body breathe in fresh air. You and your future little one will thank you for it.
    • Chow down on goodness: Fill your plate with a rainbow of nutritious and balanced foods. Munch on those yummy fruits, veggies, whole grains, and lean proteins. Your body will be fueled up and ready to roll.
    • Love yourself, love your weight: Maintaining a healthy weight is like giving your fertility a high-five. So, keep active and embrace exercise.

    SO, what does it take to acheive a successful pregnancy?

    While following basic health guidelines is a great start, it may not be enough for many couples out there. But fear not! There's a lot more to the baby-making game than just destiny or spiritual prayers. Picture this: ovulation trackers, doctor visits, and even artificial reproductive therapies are like secret weapons in your pregnancy arsenal. Years of study and research have shown that these methods can be super productive in helping you on your journey to motherhood.You know those movie scenes where women magically become pregnant without even trying? Well, reality can be quite different for those of us actively trying to conceive. It's like a complex puzzle that requires multiple pieces to come together perfectly.

    So, let's get to the exciting part. What does it really take to achieve a successful pregnancy? Buckle up, couples!

    So, this brings us to our main point, what does it take to achieve a successful pregnancy?

    • Healthy Egg 
    • Healthy Sperm 
    • Open Fallopian Tubes
    • Healthy Uterus able to support a pregnancy
    • Properly timed intercourse
    • Healthy Mother
    • Hormones to support conception events and pregnancy