Second Trimester

    Common changes your body will deal with during the second trimester:

    • Breast tenderness
    • Increasing weight gain
    • Braxton Hicks contractions in this trimester
    • Skin changes like a rash or glow 
    • Stretch marks may begin to appear
    • Nasal congestion
    • Swollen/bleeding gums is also very common
    • Changes in blood pressure
    • Leg cramps 

    Click here to read a summary of changes you will experience during the second trimester

    Common symptoms you may feel during 13-18 weeks of pregnancy: 

    • Feel your baby move for the first time (quickening)
    • Nausea and vomiting might have gotten better by this time
    • Breast tenderness decreases
    • Nipples may have begun to become darker
    • Start developing a dark line down the center of your abdomen
    • Notice skin darkening around your nose and eyes

    What happens inside your womb during 13-18 weeks of pregnancy?

    • Baby’s weight is about 90gm and about 12.5 cm
    • They weigh as much as a tennis ball
    • Inner ears have formed and they can hear you
    • Baby is covered in lanugo
    • Hair and eyebrows begin to grow

    Click here to read a summary of changes in the baby’s development during 13-18 weeks

    Common symptoms you may feel during 19-22 weeks:

    • Your breast tenderness decreases
    • Breast size increases 
    • Your breasts may start to leak colostrum
    • You sweat more and might start feeling more energetic
    • May have cramping legs, backache, heartburn/indigestion

    What happens inside your womb during 19-22 weeks?

    • By end of 22 weeks they are 25 cm tall (10 inches) about the length from elbow to wrist
    • Weighs about 250 gm
    • Covered with a cream like vernix
    • Will kick twist and turn, grasp, suck

    Click here to read a summary of changes in your baby in weeks 19-22

    Common symptoms you may feel during 23 to 26 weeks 

    • Breast size increases
    • Have stretch marks by now
    • Have veins in legs that swell up- these may be visible (varicose veins)
    • Abdomen might begin to become itchy
    • Feel your uterus contract and relax (Braxton Hicks contractions)
    • Swollen, inflamed or easy to bleed gums
    • Have gained about half of the weight that you will gain in your entire pregnancy

    What happens inside your womb during 23-26 weeks? 

    • Baby is about 32 cm, length from elbow to fingertips
    • Weighs around 1 kg, as heavy as a small lemon
    • Has a brain stem which monitors heart rate, breathing rate, blood pressure
    • Moves around often
    • Has fingerprints and toe prints
    • Has immature lungs
    • Is developing a sleep cycle
    • Can hiccup and can open and close its eyelids

    Click here to read a summary of changes in you baby from weeks 23-26 weeks