Mother's body and baby's developments from 13-18 weeks

At 13 weeks…

During the 13th week the baby has started to look like a human and is 7.5 cm tall while weighing about 30g – about the size of a peach. At this point the baby starts to move a lot and can move its arms, legs, sucks its thumb and can form a fist. The organs that are formed within the baby at this point like the liver and the pancreas have started to perform.

The vocal cords develop during this week and have started to form a kind of hair growth on their eyebrows and head. During this time the baby has started to form a penis or a clitoris but cannot be seen with an ultrasound. The kidneys produce urine, this will become the amniotic fluid and by now baby has started to breathe and can swallow the amniotic fluid.

At 14 weeks…

By 14 weeks the baby is 11 cm tall and weighs around 45 g- size of a lemon. Organs such as the ovaries and testicles have formed. Even though the face, neck and eyes have fully developed; the eyes are closed. The baby can perform reflexes in this week, if you touch your baby’s hands or feet at this point, they would curl and even though you can’t feel it yet, the baby is moving around. Fun part is that the vocal cords are working now and the baby can cry.

At 15 weeks …

Into 15 weeks, the baby is about 12 cm tall and 80 g heavy- about the size of an orange. The baby’s bones and ears are developing and this basically means that they are starting to hear for the first time. They can hear your heartbeat, hear the sound of your digestive system and your voice. Even though their eyes are shut, they can perform a reflex with light. At this point the baby can perform multiple small actions like sucking their thumb, grip their fingers, squint and grimace. Very fine hair have now started to grow all over the baby’s body.

At week 16…

At week 16 the baby is 12.5 cm tall and 110 g heavy- approximately the size of an avocado. Now the baby will experience a growth spurt; they will double their size within a month. It looks more human and the eyes are no longer at the head sides and the ears are at their permanent location. All their joints are performing and the baby can move its fingers and toes. At this point the umbilical cord is fully formed with 2 arteries and 1 vein. This cord is the passage for nutrients and oxygen to be delivered to your baby from you. The baby starts to make expressions at this stage but are not fully in control for them at this point. 

At week 17…

At week 17 the baby is about 13 cm long and 150 g heavy and this can be compared to the length of a nail file. At this point they start developing a layer of adipose tissue which is basically fat around them. The external reproductive organs are fully formed and the baby’s gender can be confirmed using an ultrasound scan. The baby swallows amniotic fluid and passes urine about every 50 minutes or so since their kidneys are fully functional. Their taste buds are fully functional and there are small lines that will develop into fingerprints.

At 18 weeks…

At week 18, the baby is about 14 cm tall and 200g heavy – about the length of a 20 rupee note. They have eyebrows, hair and fingernails. The baby is able to yawn and hiccup at this stage and the nervous system is developing millions of neurons and their digestive system is filling with their first poop called meconium. Your baby moves around a lot more than before and this is called “bubbles” or “flutters” in your belly and its called “quickening.” During this period, the baby rests when you’re active during the day and will play when you’re lying still at night.