The First Trimester

    The egg implants at a 5 week stage and from this point onwards most women start to feel nauseous, experience breast tenderness, increased lethargy, and increased frequency of pee-ing especially at night.

    Nutrition tips ! We recommend you start eating healthy during this time to keep stress at bay and to help with healthy weight gain during this journey which will ultimately translate into a healthy baby. Eat atleast 3 meals and 2 snacks per day which should include components of fruits, vegetables, proteins, wholegrain and healthy fats.

    At about 6 weeks of pregnancy, your baby’s heart has begun to pound, yes, isn’t that amazing? Watch out for special smells that might make your head dizzy during this time. 

    At 7 weeks most women experience glowing skin- this is the extra blood which is pumping in your face. Don’t worry if you experience pimples or acne during this time - make your cleanser your best friend- it will help with the skin changes. Breast tenderness might become worse and try compensating this with a tight fitted sports bra. If constipation has started raising a brow, take fibre rich foods and Ispaghol with every meal. A tablespoon of Ispaghol with every meal works well for most women experiencing this. Your energy deficit or surplus may start to show up at this point and what you can do for this is to add some physical activity like a light jog or a light swim and incase of extreme fatigue try to rest up as much as you can. 

    8 weeks your uterus has started to push on your bladder so you might start to feel the urge to pee more. Mood swings will become much more frequent as your uterus is now firing hormones all over the place. Your baby is about 1.2 cm tall with little eyes forming under skin folds and the nose is starting to show, it still has a tail though, it will disappear soon! 

    At 9 weeks most women start feeling the bump and headaches peak around this time; treat this with 2 panadols spaced at 6 hours before you consume the next dose. Start exercising your pelvic muscles during this period and gain the strength you need before birth and delivery step-by-step. 

    At 10 weeks, antenatal testing is done for detection of chromosomal abnormalities (these tests aim to identify any genetic errors that may take form in your baby in future). Your baby is about 3.5 cm tall at this point and its heart has 4 chambers, it will be enjoyable for you to know your baby can touch its face. 

    At 11 weeks, your baby is ready for a growth marathon- at this point it is 4.5 cm tall

    At the end of 12 weeks and first trimester, the baby is 6 cm tall and weighs about 18 gm. By the end of this, your baby’s heart, head, nose, genitals, toes, fingernails have developed.