"Breastfeeding is the ultimate act of love, nourishing both body and soul."

    How to maintain your milk supply? What factors influence the production of breast milk.

    In case you are wondering how to increase your milk supply or keep it as consistent as possible

    • An increase in prolactin gives an increase in breastmilk supply. This shows that hormonal changes affect the supply of breast milk.
    • It is very important to frequently and consistently nurse your baby, the more a baby nurses, the more milk is produced.
    • As with any other bodily health issue, emotional state is also a cause of decreased supply; keep stress, anxiety and depression at bay. 
    • It is very important to stay hydrated and maintain a healthy diet for a mother who wants to nurse well. 
    • Sleep- proper sleep and not jet lagged or sleep deprived is crucial to maintaining an overall health that will ultimately affect your feed.
    • The composition of breast milk is influenced by gestational and postnatal age, as well as by the moment of the feed. (Turck D, 2013)
    • Medical conditions: Certain medical conditions, such as thyroid disorders or pituitary gland problems, can affect the production of breast milk.