Getting Pregnant: Healthy Egg

    What does it mean to have a healthy egg?

    Hey there, amazing ladies! Let's dive into the world of egg quality and discover some egg-citing secrets to boost your chances of pregnancy. Your eggs hold the key to creating that little bundle of joy.

    Age is just a number 

    As we get older, some of our eggs may become a little unbalanced. But hey, that doesn't mean it's game over! It's just a reminder to keep nurturing our bodies and exploring the options available to us.

    The power of prenatal multivitamins

    It's never too early to start preparing your body for pregnancy. Pop those prenatal multivitamins quikly! They not only protect your eggs but also help prevent serious birth defects. Experiment with different brands until you find one that doesn't upset your stomach (iron usually causes this). Look for those with 400 mcg of folic acid, as they are egg-cellent!

    Carb swap for a Mediterranean twist

    Time to say "see ya later" to sugary and refined carbs and give your diet a Mediterranean makeover. Load up on colorful fruits, veggies, minimally processed grains, olive oil, nuts, and lean protein. Your eggs will do a happy dance with all these nourishing goodies!

    CoQ10 to the rescue

    Boost that egg energy with a little supplement called CoQ10. It's like a mini power plant for your developing eggs. Look for the most effective form, ubiquinol, and start with a basic dose of 100 mg in the morning with food. Get ready to supercharge your egg production and potentially prevent those pesky chromosomal errors.

    Goodbye, phthalates

    We want to minimize our exposure to products containing phthalates. So, say "adios" to nail polish removers and be cautious of skincare, haircare, laundry, and cleaning products that contain these sneaky chemicals. Keep an eye out for soft, flexible plastic items made of vinyl or PVC and replace them with phthalate-free alternatives. Your eggs will thank you for it!

    Ovarian Reserve Testing is a quest to uncover the secrets of your egg supply. Its a combination of hormone tests and ultrasound investigations that help discover the truth about your fertility. 

    First up, we've got the follicle stimulating hormone (FSH) test. Picture this: a blood sample on the third day of your menstrual cycle. We're checking out the FSH levels, which are like secret messages from your brain to your ovaries, telling them to make an egg. The higher the FSH, the more it takes to keep the cycle going. So, lower FSH is like having a smooth operation, while higher FSH might mean the eggs are being a bit stubborn. But don't worry, we'll crack the code!

    Next, meet the companion of FSH, estradiol (E2). It's like the ovaries' reply to the brain. As the ovarian follicle grows, E2 levels rise. We want to make sure E2 stays under 50 pg/ml in the early days of your cycle. If it goes above, it's like the ovaries are jumping the gun, which could mean decreased egg quality. We'll keep an eye on those early responders!

    Now, let's meet the star of the show: anti-Mullerian hormone (AMH). This super cool glycoprotein is released by special cells around the developing eggs. As we age, the number of eggs and these cells decrease, so AMH gives us a good estimate of your "ovarian reserve." It's like a treasure map to your remaining eggs!

    Last but not least, we've got the transvaginal ultrasound, the ultimate fertility adventure. This ultrasound is like a peek into your ovaries, counting the resting/antral follicles (AFC). We're looking for those tiny follicles, between four and nine millimeters, which could potentially mature and become fabulous eggs. If we spot a smaller number, it might mean some egg quality and quantity challenges. But fear not, our fertility detectives are here to crack the case!