Third Trimester

    Common symptoms you may feel during the third trimester

    • Your fetus gives out heat and you may feel this
    • Increased urinary frequency is common
    • Blood pressure changes peak during this trimester as the fetus pushes on the vein carrying blood back to the heart
    • Swelling of ankles, hands and face may occur
    • Hair may feel thicker because of increased hormonal circulation
    • Leg cramps may happen much more often
    • Braxton Hicks contraction may occur in increased frequency 
    • Stretch marks show up most often by now and are a sign of birth preparation time 
    • Colostrum may begin to leak from the breasts
    • Backache may increase due to the weight of the baby 
    • Increased vaginal discharge see
    • Varicose veins may continue and aggravate

    What can your baby do by the end of the third trimester? almost everything!

    • The fetus can hear and see
    • Its brain continues to specialize
    • The lungs and kidneys continue developing
    • By the 36th week, the fetus “engages” in a position which mimics the movement of a baby towards the pelvic area and is called lightening
    • The bones of the skulls are soft and this helps push the baby down through the birth canal 
    • For most babies; their iris’ color is still blue and will develop their final color several weeks after birth 
    • The fetus can suck their thumbs and can cry now 
    • Babies at this point are covered in vernix caseosa which is a whitish liquid that protects the baby’s skin
    • For most babies’ the head is pointed downwards but this can even happen in the last weeks of the pregnancy

    Click here to read a summary of changes that will happen inside your body during this time period

    Common symptoms you may feel in the 26-31 weeks of pregnancy?

    • Increased lethargy
    • Swelling in feet
    • Ankles and hands
    • Leaking colostrum
    • Increased breathlessness

    What happens inside your womb in 26-31 weeks of pregnancy?

    • Baby is about 38 cm (15in long) and weighs about 1 kg (2 lbs)
    • Moves more
    • Can sense light, sound, movement
    • Has a specialized nervous system with billions of brain cells
    • Start to suck their fingers and hands

    Click here to read a summary of changes in your baby from 26-31 weeks

    Common symptoms you may feel in the 32-35 weeks of pregnancy?

    • Feel baby’s limbs sticking into your ribs
    • Sweat more often
    • Have a sticking out belly button
    • Urinate more often
    • Sore joints from lose pelvic joints
    • Might look puffier and around feet, ankles and hands 

    What happens inside your womb in 32-35 weeks of pregnancy?

    • Baby is about 46 cm (18 in) long, weighs around 2.25-2.5 kg
    • Is building up fat inside
    • Developing immunity
    • Losing the soft hair they had on their baby 
    • Experiencing rapid brain growth

    Click here to read a summary of changes in your baby from 32-35 weeks

    Common symptoms you may feel in the 36-40 weeks of pregnancy

    • Increasingly more tired
    • Feel anxious about labour
    • Experience Braxton-Hicks contractions more often
    • Experience more backache
    • As the baby moves down to pelvic area it becomes easier to breathe
    • Have stretch marks
    • Have dry skin
    • Have varicose veins
    • Feel hot/heavy/uncomfortable
    • May feel faint or dizzy at times 
    • Get leg cramps more often 

    What happens inside your womb in 36-40 weeks of pregnancy?

    • Is about 55 cm tall (20 in) and weighs around 2.7-4 kg
    • Gains around 28 g/day
    • Has full developed lungs by now
    • Has started to store iron to use in first 6 months
    • Has skin that’s pinker and less wrinkled as they gain weight

    Click here to read a summary of changes in your baby from 36-40 weeks