Introduction to Body Weight & Fat mass

    Body Composition

    Alrighty then, let's dive into the land of body composition! We're talking about the classic two-component model that breaks down our bods into two main players: fat mass and fat-free mass (FFM). Fat mass is like that sneaky stash of fat hanging out all over – from your brain to your biceps. On the other side of the ring, we've got FFM, the cool crew made up of water, protein, and minerals. These guys are the constants, keeping the balance in check.

    But hold up, FFM and lean body mass (LBM) aren't exactly twinsies. LBM is the VIP package that includes water, bones, organs, and the oh-so-fabulous skeletal muscles. And guess what? LBM likes to party more with the fellas, so it's usually more pumped up in the dudes' corner.

    Why does LBM matter?

    Well, it's the boss of the resting metabolic rate (RMR) show – the energy your body needs just to kick back and relax. So, losing too much LBM during the weight loss game isn't the best strategy. We're all about keeping that muscle power intact!

    Now, let’s talk hydration

    Now, let's talk hydration – the ultimate body mood swinger. Water, the chameleon of the crew, can make up a whopping 60% to 65% of your total weight. But here's the kicker: it's the wild card in the LBM game. Your hydration level can play tricks on the scale, causing it to tip a few pounds here and there.

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