"No matter how you choose to feed your baby, what matters most is the love and care you put into every feeding."
Chosing the right bottle:
What do you need? You will need several bottles, teats(nipples), and a bottle brush. In addition you may need sterilizing equipment or set. Available ones include, cold-water sterilizer, microwave and steam sterilizer.

- Easy to handle-There’s no evidence as to which nipple or bottle is superior to another but find a simple design that is easy to wash.
- Design- consider a design that allows an easy and wide grip for the baby to hold and a wide enough neck for the mother to clean.
- Nipple shape and flow- chose a teat that is appropriate for your baby’s age and feeding requirements. Newborns may need a slow-flow nipple while older babies will prefer a faster paced nipple.
- Venting system- some feeders have air expelling systems that help reduce colic. If your baby has colic you may want to look for a feeder that has this characteristic.