‘’Diaper changing - the ultimate test of your multitasking skills!’’

    As a new parent, you quickly learn that dealing with diapers is a big part of your daily routine, the better you become at the art of diapering, the better your day goes by and the less anxious you become about your next diaper change. Proper diapering and nappy change can prevent infections, diaper rash and so on, so, if you’re looking to get a heads up on this not so daunting work, read on…

    New mom? Learn how to change your baby’s diaper

    What will you need ?

    • A change of clothes for the baby to wear
    • Changing table or straight platform
    • Diapers or cloth
    • Diaper cover or pins for cloth diapers
    • Disposable bag
    • Wipes, soft cloth, or cotton balls

    Now lets change a diaper!

    • Gather your supplies
    • Prepare the area
    • Undress the baby
    • Remove the dirt diaper
    • Apply diaper rash cream- if the child needs any at this point
    • Put on the clean diaper
    • Dress the baby

    To read our article on Diaper Rash Click here