Is my baby learning reflexes according to his correct age?

Baby milestones help distinguish the age of a child and its achievements with time. When timed correctly the little reflexes movements and achievements the little one is learning every day helps doctors track the baby’s progress compared to widespread data analyzed of kids all over the world.


Social/emotional milestones

Language/communication milestones

Cognitive milestones(learning thinking problem-solving)

Movement/physical development milestones

2 months

Calms down when spoken to or picked up, looks at your face, seems happy to see you when you walk upto them

Makes sounds other than crying, reacts to loud sounds

Watches you as you move, looks at a toy for several seconds

Holds head up when on tummy, moves both arms and both legs, opens hands briefly

4 months

Smiles on their own to get attention, chuckles when you try to make her laugh, looks at you, moves or makes sounds to get or keep your attention

Makes sounds like “ooh” “aah”

Makes sounds back when you talk to him, turns head towards the sounds of your voice

If hungry, opens mouth when she sees breast or bottle, looks at his hands with interest

Holds head steady without support when you are holding her, holds a toy when you put it in his hand, uses its arm to swing at toys, brings hand to mouth, pushes up onto elbows/forearms when on tummy

6 months

Knows familiar people, like to look at self in a mirror, laughs

Takes turns making sounds with you, blows “raspberries” (sticks tongues out and blows), makes squealing noises

Puts things in her mouth to explore them, reaches to grab a toy he wants, closes lips to show she doesn’t want more food

Rolls from tummy to back, pushes up with straight arms when on tummy, leans on hands to support himself when sitting