‘’Never leave your baby alone in the bath, not even for a second.’’

    How often should you bathe your newborn?

    Once or twice a week is enough to bathe your newborn. Remember to avoid bathing your baby right after a feed, or if the temperature of the water is too cold and you cannot manage this. Overbathing can dry the baby’s skin so be wary of this, unless there’s a diaper mess that you need to attend to immediately and needs bathing attention.

    What are the supplies you may need? And what are the safety measures you might want to partake?

    A warm water supply, a safe and comfortably sized tub or sink for your baby, 2 clean towels, a clean nappy, a clean set of clothes and cotton wool. Avoid adding any extra liquid soaps, detergents or baby bath soaps in the water, clean water is best for your baby during this stage. Check the water’s temperature before you half-submerge your baby. 

    If your baby is anxious about bathing, try to add his/her favorite toys in the tub and help him/her deviate focus towards playing with toys in water rather than on you bathing him/her. Always cut your nails before bathing your baby, and make sure your baby’s nails are also trimmed from time to time.

    Lets start bathing!

    Softly pour water over the baby’s skin, using a soft towel, a safe plastic cup or a nozzle that has water running at a soft pace. Start rubbing over all their body parts gently, avoid pouring water directly over their face, this can make the baby anxious and they may throw a crying fit while at it. Remember, the baby doesn’t know when to close or open its eyes. Lather special baby soap over their body (not the umbilical stump area) and avoid using this in the first month, you’ll just be running the risk of making baby’s skin too dry. 

    Gently wash the remaining soap and make sure you’ve gotten all the creases in check, now wrap the baby in a dry towel and bring him to a safe cushioned space before you clothe your baby. Lying baby down after bathing is a good time to massage or lather any oils you may want to use.

    Why should you massage your baby? Massaging your baby can be beneficial for the baby in many ways.Its helpful for the baby to relax, improves circulation, helps relieve gas and prevents constipation, boosts their immune system by increasing hormones that promote overall health.

    What kind of oils are best for my baby? What are the prices in Pakistan?

    • Coconut oil is a versatile and nourishing oil that can be used for moisturizing and protecting baby’sskin. It is called “nariyyal ka tail” in Pakistan and a 200 ml bottle by Parachute costs around 200 rupees (prices are subject to change)
    • Olive oil is a gentle oil that is rich in vitamins and antioxidants, making it a good choice for newborn skin. It is called “zaitoon ka tail” in Pakistan and a 500 ml bottle by Italia costs around 470.
    • Avocado oil is a heavy, nourishing oil that is rich in vitamins A, D, and E, and is great for
       moisturizing and protecting baby’s delicate skin. It is called “magar nashpati ka tail” and a 250 ml bottle by Nature’s Store costs 1400.

    • Sweet almond oil is a light, non-greasy oil that is easily absorbed by the skin and is good for moisturizing and preventing dryness. Its called “roghun badaam sheereen” and The Pansari’s sweet almond oil costs 470 for a 30 ml bottle.
    • Grapeseed oil is a light, non-greasy oil that is high in antioxidants and can be used to soothe and moisturize baby’s skin.