First Trimester Story
The first trimester is the earliest part of a woman's pregnancy journey and it starts on the first day of your last period, before a woman even gets pregnant.

What are the common symptoms you may feel during the first trimester?
- Breast tenderness
- Noticing a missed period
- Spotting as a sign of an implanted embryo
- Morning sickness
- Headaches
- Mood swings
- Headaches
What happens inside your womb during the first trimester?
- Implanting in uterus
- Starting to develop brain and spinal cord
- The placenta (cake-like disc providing nutrition to baby)
- Amniotic sac (balloon like covering of baby for protection)
- Amniotic fluid begins to form
- Heart beats at 4th week and can be detected by 8th week, teeth begin to develop
Click here to read a summary of changes that will happen to you in the first trimester
What are the common symptoms you may feel?
Know that you missed your period and feel breast tenderness.
What happens inside your womb?
- 0.6 cm in length
- About the size of the grain of rice
- Attaches to the wall of the uterus
- Starts to develop a primitive brain

The 5-8 weeks
What happens inside you?
- Have missed your period
- Notice mood swings
- Feel more tired than usual
- Feel hungrier than usual
- Feel sick to your stomach
What happens inside your womb?
- Size is about 2.5 cm (1 inch long)
- Weigh less than a grape
- Heart tube starts to “pound”
- Head and brain take shape
- Teeth start to develop
- Arm and leg buds beginning to show
- Spine starts to show with bones forming
Click here to read more about changes in your baby from 5-8 weeks
What are the common symptoms you may feel during the first trimester?
- May start noticing a change in skin tone or a rash may appear
- Start feeling sick more often
- Food cravings or food repulse
- Appetite loss, constipation
- Vaginal discharge
- Swollen gums that may bleed on touch
- Feel tired more often
- Mood swings
What happens inside your womb during the first trimester?
- Length is about 3 inches long, and weight is comparable to a lipstick tube
- Eyes, ears and nose have formed
- Mouth forms with lips and tooth buds
- Hands, fingers and knees have formed and sex organs too
Click here to read changes in your baby from 9-13 weeks