Summary of changes in YOU in first trimester

    Conditions covered in this article:

    • Nausea
    • Morning Sickness 
    • Constipation
    • Sore Breasts
    • Mood Swings 
    • Weight Gain

    You may feel nauseous during this time or might have developed a full blown morning sickness pattern at this point. This continues up until the 13th week. The best thing you can do for yourself during this time is to have a head start on things before they happen to you so you know how to prepare for anything that might come up. Pregnancy is a different journey for every woman, while some women may glow with radiant health during these first few weeks, others might feel miserable. A lot of women face bleeding issues in the first trimester, for a lot of women, this is just a sign of an implanted embryo. Sore breasts are also a common concern along with constipation. Sore breasts can be treated with a well-fitting bra and going up a size on that. Constipation on the other hand requires an increased intake of fiber content or ingesting a tablespoon of

    Ispaghol with each meal as a solution. Some women start experiencing discharge from this point and this can be treated with panty liners and sanitary pads. Your body will feel more tired than usual so take more naps and rest up more than before and make sure you’re getting enough iron through your meals. Mood swings are very common and this can be due to the changing hormones, it’s like your body is on an emotional roller coaster. Morning sickness is an intermittent symptom and it comes and goes like seasons on the run and you just might need to adjust with this. To work around this focus on eating small, bland, or high-protein snacks such as crackers, small biscuits, meat and cheese. For some women, sipping water helps or clear fruit juices or ginger ale. During the entire pregnancy weight gain is going to be something that has its upside if you do it in a healthy way. During the first trimester you should aim at gaining 3-6 pounds. Remember, even though you might be carrying another person inside you, you don’t necessarily have to eat for two people. Limit your calories in a healthy way and stick to 3 meals and 2 snacks a day, which should include fruits, vegetables, milk, whole-grain bread and lean meat.