Nutrients, how much more and why do you need and where to get them?

    Vitamin A- The demand during pregnancy increases by 10% compared to a non-pregnant woman.

    Why does a pregnant lady need Vitamin A?

    Vitamin A is crucial to the pregnant woman for:

    • normal development of the baby's organs; the heart, lungs, kidneys, eyes and immune system. A deficiency of Vitamin A may lead to increased birth defects, and developmental abnormalities in child
    • healthy immune system, a deficiency in vitamin predisposes a risk to the pregnant lady of being susceptible to respiratory and urinary tract infections. Its deficiency also slows wound healing
    • proper functioning of visual system and a deficiency leads to nigh-time blindness even for pregnant women

    So, in what foods is Vitamin A found?

    • Leafy green vegetables (kale, spinach, broccoli) 
    • Orange
    • Yellow vegetables (carrots, sweet potatoes, pumpkin, winter squash, summer squash)
    • Tomatoes
    • Red bell pepper 
    • Cantaloupe                             
    • Mango
    • Beef liver 
    • Fish oils
    • Milk
    • Eggs
    • Fortified foods.