Nutrients, how much more and why do you need, and where to get them?

    Riboflavin- The demand during pregnancy increases by 25% compared to a non-pregnant woman.

    Why does a pregnant woman need Ribolavin?

    Riboflavin is crucial to the pregnant woman for:

    • development and growth of fetus, a deficiency may lead to birth defects. In addition, a deficiency of riboflavin has been linked to pre-term birth (this is birth before 37 weeks and is associated with multiple complications)
    • proper regulation of blood pressure, a deficiency may lead to pre-eclampsia (Pre-eclampsia is a potentially serious condition characterized by high blood pressure and damage to organs, usually liver and kidneys)
    • proper functioning of red blood cells, a deficiency may lead to anemia (when the body does not have enough "healthy" red blood cells to function properly)  
    • maintaining a healthy immune system, a deficiency may lead to poor immune function and making pregnant women more susceptible to infections and illnesses

    So, in what foods is Riboflavin found?

    • Meats 
    • Fortified foods 
    • Nuts 
    • Green vegetables 
    • Dairy milk 
    • Yogurt 
    • Cheese                                 
    • Eggs 
    • Lean beef 
    • Organ meats 
    • Chicken breast 
    • Salmon
    • Almonds 
    • Spinach