Nutrients, how much more and why do you need and where to get them?

Folate- The demand during pregnancy increases by 50% compared to a non-pregnant woman.

Why does a pregnant lady need folate?

Folate is crucial to the pregnant woman for:

  • production of red blood cells, a deficiency may lead to the mother becoming anaemic (which is a deficiency of red blood cells functioning normally) leading to fatigues, weakness, pale skin and dizziness. 
  • proper development of nervous organs, a deficiency may increase risk for nervous organs defects (spinal cord defects) which may prove to be fatal for the baby.
  • growth and cell division, a deficiency may lead to impaired normal growth and development in baby 
  • role of hormone production and regulation in neurotransmitters (special brain hormones) and a deficiency may lead to behavioral problems in child later on. 
  • strong immune system, a deficiency leads to increased susceptibility to infections. 

So, in what foods is Folate found?

  • Fruits
  • Juices
  • Green vegetables
  • Whole or enriched grains